"The Società Caruso is the place where you can get it all - a variety of venues, great food, excellent service and a welcoming community."

Our Story
The idea of forming an Italian association in the City of Sudbury had always been a dream of Luigi Battaino and Antonio Buttazzoni. On May 18, 1947, the notion of forming an Italian society in the city of Sudbury was discussed at a meeting held at the Ryan Community Club on Albinson St. In the minutes of this first meeting, which was chaired by Enzo Mariotti, one notes the urgent necessity for the Italians to organize themselves since the Italians in outlying areas of the region had already done so. Everyone present was in agreement and Beniamino Scagnetti was appointed President, Luigi Favot became Vice-President and Giuseppe “Joe” D’Aloisio was given the task of Treasurer. In the minutes of the May 28, 1947 meeting of the appointed executive held at 26 Frood Rd. we discover that the proposed initial name for the newly formed association was “Fratellanza Italiana di Sudbury” (The Italian Brotherhood of Sudbury) and that a schedule of fund-raising events had already been organized by the executive. The number of members to this point was 76. At the August 17, 1947 meeting of the General Assembly formal nominations for the offices of the Board of Directors took place. The members present also voted to purchase five lots situated at Whittaker and Haig Streets.
At the General Assembly meeting of October 12, 1947, the members were informed that the name of the Club “Fratellanza Italiana di Sudbury” had not been approved by the provincial registry office responsible for the registration of the association. Since time was of the essence, the newly elected Board of Directors proposed the name of “Società Caruso”, to honour the famous Italian singer Enrico Caruso, which was eventually approved and incorporated on November 21, 1947, and the new building was completed in late 1948.
The Società is among the largest Italian associations in the province of Ontario and it belongs exclusively to its members. It is an association that aims to promote, enhance and preserve Italian culture and heritage within the Canadian Multicultural Mosaic; to render assistance to persons of Italian nationality in need; to establish and maintain a library and archives of Italian heritage.
Meet our board of Directors!
Introducing our 2024 Board Of Directors!
Honourary Vice Consulate of Italy, Sudbury
Vice Consolato Onorario d’Italia, Sudbury
The Italian Vice Consular office hours take place on Fridays from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm for anyone needing an Italian passport, a visa, or anything else regarding Italy (pensions excluded).
For further information please contact the Consular office by phone (705.698.2557) or by email (viceconsolatosudbury@gmail.com).
L’ufficio del Vice Consolato d’Italia è aperto ogni venerdì dalle ore 9:00am fino a mezzogiorno per il rilascio dei passaporti, per i visti e per altre informazioni riguardante l’Italia (escluse le pensioni).
Per ulteriori informazioni si prega di contattare l’ufficio Consolare telefonicamente al 705.698.2557 oppure tramite posta elettronica (viceconsolatosudbury@gmail.com).